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The Maynard Man Shares What Goes Into Your AC Tune-Up

Homeowners across the nation and beyond are understandably concerned with their health and safety during this season. We are staying updated and are committed to keeping our customers and employees up to date as well, on guidelines and precautions our community is taking during this time.

As we continue to learn and share information, we also want to ensure our customers are doing everything they can to maintain optimal comfort in their homes, too. That said, this is the time of year that the Maynard Man recommends scheduling a spring AC tune-up.

The Importance of Annual Tune-Ups

Annual spring maintenance is often a service overlooked by
homeowners, who don’t realize what a critical part of their indoor comfort this
service plays. Routine maintenance can save you considerably on your energy
bills, and can even prevent up to 85% of the repair needs your cooling system
may ever need in its lifespan!

Speaking of lifespan, your air conditioner may actually last
longer, when you keep up on your maintenance tune-ups. Tune-ups allow your air
conditioner to perform at its best and slow down natural wear and tear.

A question that often comes up, is what actually happens during these maintenance

What Your Techs Look At During an Air Conditioner Tune-Up

When the Maynard Man and staff conduct an air conditioner
tune-up, we thoroughly inspect your air conditioner. We look for excessive
signs of wear that may need adjusting or even repair. We clean components, and
check for problems like a clogged air filter or blocked condensate line. During
the inspection process, we’ll check on a number of additional components,
including (but not necessarily limited to):

  • The Condenser
  • The Compressor
  • Your AC Fan Speed
  • Blower Rotation
  • Thermostat Functionality and Calibration
  • Operating Pressure
  • Safety Controls
  • Refrigerant Levels

“Can I Do Maintenance On My Own?”

The short answer to this is “no.”

At least, the answer is no, if you want to ensure your
safety, the longevity of your air conditioner, and in many cases even its

Your air conditioner has components that require special
knowledge and training to deal with. Your refrigerant line is one prime example
of this. Air conditioners have a set level of refrigerant in them upon
installation. If that level drops, it means there is a leak. HVAC professionals
are specially trained and experienced to deal with this chemical, which is
essential for AC operation.

That said, there are a couple small maintenance tasks you
can and should be completing on your own. One is changing the air filter—we
mentioned above how we’ll check for a clogged air filter. But truthfully, you
should be changing out your air filter every 1-3 months during periods of HVAC
use. A clogged air filter will restrict airflow and cause subsequent problems
for the system.

Another step you can take is to ensure the outside unit of
your AC is cleared of debris such as lawn clippings, mulch, soil, branches, and
leaves. This will help ensure your system can properly function without hurting

Please reach out to the Maynard Man and team for more tips
and to schedule your next AC tune-up.

Need a Helping Hand, Call the Maynard Man! We are the Nashville contractor you can trust for your HVAC, electrical, and plumbing needs.

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