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What Does the R-22 Phaseout Mean for My AC?

The Maynard Man knows that your air conditioner is no small investment. So you want to make sure it lasts for as long as possible and works as efficiently as possible throughout its lifespan.

This isn’t possible though, if you have a refrigerant leak. If your air conditioner is over 10 years old, it’s very likely it uses an outdated type of refrigerant—R-22. What’s wrong with this?

The R-22 Phaseout

R-22, also referred to as HCFC-22, is harmful to our ecosystem due to its high ozone depletion potential. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, R-22 refrigerant will no longer be available for replacement/recharge in air conditioners starting January 2020. But, this ozone-depleting refrigerant may already be in your aging air conditioner, even though it’s no longer manufactured in North America.

For now, you can still obtain recycled R-22 for your existing cooling system if your system uses
this type of refrigerant. It’s important to note, however, that the cost is
rising dramatically due to the decreasing supply.

Refrigerant Supply and Demand

Refrigerant leaks are a relatively common air conditioning
repair need. It may seem like a simple enough process—your system loses
refrigerant due to damage and needs to be refilled. However if your air
conditioner is in fact still using
R-22 and you find yourself with this repair problem, you’re going to spend a
lot more to have it repaired than necessary.

Still though, for now, AC repair is an option even if you
are using R-22. Unsure if your system still uses this fluid? The Maynard Man
can help determine if this is the case!

Should You Upgrade Your Air Conditioner?

A system upgrade will help you get ahead of this R-22 phaseout and will be far more economically beneficial in the long run than repairing an aging air conditioner with expensive and environmentally unfriendly R-22.

Additionally, upgrading your air conditioner means you’ll be
purchasing an air conditioner with a better SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency
Ratio) rating. This means your new air conditioner will be far more efficient,
saving you money and helping the system last as long as possible.

AC Replacement Is Inevitable

Even if you choose not to upgrade your system right now, you
should know that replacement is imminent, so long as your cooling system still
utilizes R-22. The good news is, temperatures will be cooling down soon, making
right now a great time to shop around for a new air conditioner!

Even better? You don’t have to stick with the same model if
it’s not serving your needs. If you’ve been struggling with an aging central
air conditioner, you’d do well to consider the installation of a 2-in-1 heat
pump system, or even a ductless cooling and heating system.

Need a Helping Hand, Call the Maynard Man! We are The Clean Air, Clean Water, Clean Energy Expert. Contact us today to learn more about the R-22 phaseout or to schedule your Nashville air conditioning replacement.

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