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Are You Using Your Heater as Efficiently as Possible?

We’re heading into what’s historically the coldest month of the year for our area. Hopefully, you had your heater maintained this fall, to ensure it is operating as effectively as possible this winter. Maintenance is a service we generally recommend before temperatures drop to the point that you need your Nashville, TN heating system on a regular basis. However, if you didn’t have it done this year, it’s not too late! We’re even currently offering a special deal for HVAC and duct inspections to our customers.

While maintenance is certainly the first step in ensuring
that your heater is operating as efficiently as possible, it’s not the only way to improve the efficiency of
your heating system. Read on for some more tips on using your heater as
efficiently as possible.

Choosing the Right Heater in the Right Size, from the Start

It’s important to have the right heater in your home right
from the beginning. The traditional furnace is still the most popular choice
and is a great option for most homes. However, you may benefit more from the
zoned heating of a ductless system, particularly if you have a multi-level

The size of your heater also matters. If you have a furnace
that’s too small for your living space, it will be unable to keep up with the
demand and heat your home as effectively as you need it to.

On the other hand, if it’s too big then it will go through
what’s called short-cycling. This is
when your heater turns on and off rapidly, never completing a full heating
cycle. This wears down on your heating system and considerably shortens its

Change Out Your Air Filter

This heating system component may seem minor, but it has a
big job. Many homeowners believe this job is to protect their indoor air
quality. This isn’t the air filter’s intended purpose, however. The air filter
is there to protect the interior components of the heating system itself, from
dirt, dust, and other debris.

If the air filter is too clogged, your heater will suffer.
What happens is that airflow is restricted. As a result, your heater has to
work harder to do its job and expend more energy than necessary. You’ll
probably find yourself turning the thermostat up as it won’t seem warm enough
in your living space.

Unfortunately, this wastes energy. But, it has a simple
solution. Changing your air filter is something you can do on your own.
Depending on the type of air filter you have and the level of contaminants in
your home, we recommend you do this every 1-3 months during periods of system

Use Your Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans aren’t just for summertime! Yes, they do help evenly distribute the cooled air from your AC system during the summer. But in the winter, you can apply this same concept to your heating system. There is a switch located above the fan blades that reverses their direction. By doing this, you allow your ceiling fan to push down hot air, therefore making the room feel warmer and allowing you to turn up the thermostat so your heater doesn’t have to run as long.

Need a Helping Hand, Call the Maynard Man! We are the “Clean Air, Clean Water, Clean Energy Experts” and we look forward to serving your HVAC needs.

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