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Stay Safe By Scheduling Your Heating Maintenance Appointment Today

The Maynard Man
here! Nighttime temperatures have already begun to drop a bit and with the
official start of fall here, it’s time for homeowners to turn their attention
from their cooling efforts to getting their heaters prepped for winter.

What does this mean?
It means ensuring that your heater is well maintained! Why does this matter? Because
of your safety. This is especially true with a gas-powered heater. Over the
years, your heater accumulates wear and tear, and without routine maintenance
this means the heat exchangers can accumulate damage, leaving you with cracked

A cracked heat
exchanger will allow dangerous gasses—namely, carbon monoxide—to leak out and
into your living space. This is a hazardous and harmful substance that can make
homeowners very ill and can even be fatal in large amounts. Safety isn’t the
only reason you should invest in annual heating maintenance, though! Read on to
learn all the ways you’ll benefit.

How Residents Benefit From Heating Tune-Ups

  • Reduced
    No heater repair need is
    convenient, but one way to make it even more inconvenient is to experience a
    complete heating system breakdown with no warning whatsoever. By the time a
    heater completely breaks down like this, it’s likely accumulated so much damage
    that you’ll spend far more than you would have for a small repair that could
    have been caught during a tune-up.
  • Improved
    A clean system is an
    efficient system! When there is nothing blocking airflow, your forced-air
    heater can simple perform better. When airflow is blocked, homeowners are
    tempted to turn up the thermostat, thinking that’s the problem—this is a waste
    of energy!
  • Extended
    Equipment Life:
    A heater’s lifespan
    is determined first by how properly it’s installed, no matter the make or model.
    But it can’t perform flawlessly based on its installation only. Heaters
    accumulate natural wear and tear over time—components need replacing now and
    then, the system needs to be cleaned out, and each unit should be inspected for
    repair needs.
  • Greater
    When a system is
    thoroughly cleaned and repair needs are managed right away, you can rely on
    better home comfort, from a heater you know will make it through the months of
    cold weather we contend with here in Nashville.

“How Often Should I Schedule Heating Maintenance?”

That’s a great question. The Maynard Man recommends you
schedule comprehensive, professional maintenance for your heating system once a
year. If you have a heat pump that you use for both heating and cooling, then
you should schedule maintenance tune-ups every 6 months.

Getting on a maintenance schedule is far more important than
the time of year you have this
service done. Though, we do recommend that you schedule your heating system
maintenance before you actually need the equipment on a daily basis. That makes
right now the perfect time to do it!

Discover even more benefits when you enroll in The Maynard
Man’s Healthy Home Plan! This is our maintenance program that offers residents regularly
scheduled tune-ups in addition to repair and replacement discounts, 24-hour
service, priority scheduling, and much more.

Need a Helping Hand, Call the Maynard Man! We are The Clean Air, Clean Water, Clean Energy Expert. Contact us to schedule your Nashville heating tune-up today!

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